When it comes to patterns not many people know how to wear them or even feel secure in them. I used to be part of that group of people because I have always chose to wear the simple and plain fabrics. So, to give it a try while feeling secure at the same time, I combined two types of blue and white-striped patterns. Having as an advantage that both pieces, blouse and pants, are the same shade of dark blue, I decided to create a european-inspired look. With a relax atmosphere and even awkward length-everything (pants, blouse and even my hair's), this outfit gives me the french vibes. While the all-american style is focused on perfectly ironed blouses, the french go with the complete oposite. The more wrinkled the better, the more awkward, the best; don't go out trying to be the flashiest, instead choose to be the classiest. Mixing all these pieces together I created an effortless look that, in my opinion, will never go wrong. Even though the contrasting color of blue is orange I wore the closest thing I had, my super yellow bag (which was a gift from my boyfriend, who will be very happy knowing I blogged about it. So thanks babe!) to give the outfit a little "POW".
Pd. How cute are these shoes?
Wearing: Zara blouse, shoes & bag, Forever 21 culottes pants, Zara earrings, Forever 21 rings, Skagen watch, Ray Ban sunnies.
Love this & love the bag ������